Thursday, December 16, 2010

Winter Catch Up

Catching up is great, being focused is hard.  When I started Gwen's barn she showed me a picture of Mr. Green.  When I finished painting Mr. Green's extension of his house, he showed me the same  picture but with a hat on.  So when I see something twice and see the flash of what could be on a canvas I imprint that picture and some day do it.  I finished Mr. Green's picture and here it is:

This was a black and white picture, but I saw a shadow behind him, and I have to believe it was his mother...all those prayers for someone so far away from home.  He was stationed in Germany, but he never forgot Jones County......he is one of those smiling faces that appears at Gypsy's for breakfast.  He always has a smile and a gleam in his eyes.....a true hero here among us.

The other painting is a barn quilt for a neighbor.  They have lots of pine trees around them and a uniquely designed home, which I love so I thought a pine tree with lots of sky would depict what I remember when I think of them.

I love these quilt squares, I added some yellow to the tree some purple, white and blue in the sky to represent "blue sky pine" they are the most populated tree here and they give us green all year, with yellow dust in the Spring that lets us know it is almost time to plant.  I love nature and there is a lot of nature in Jones County.  You can drive to New Bern and Kinston, but it does not have the feel of Jones County.  We are a blessed lot who live here.....come on out and see what is for sale, lots of land and beautiful trees.

Today it is raining or icing maybe both....but the sky is giving the trees their due today.  They look so green, and offer us hope that winter won't last too long so we can reap the beautiful flowers to come in Spring.

Be careful, take care and have a wonderful winter day full of hot tea and warm thoughts.  k

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Cold Weather Diversion

I haven't painted on Gwen's barn in over a week.  I drive by it when I leave our house and see it so wants to be finished.  I see the tobacco barn, and the field of tobacco in my head.  I also am practicing the horses to go on the other side of the barn.  I hope I don't have to wait until Spring to get this done.  Meanwhile the Blackwells are ready for their Angel, and again I hope I don't have to wait until Spring.  My goal is to paint at 50 degrees, if the sun is out it would be a pleasure compared to today.

Meanwhile back at the house and in the studio, which is my second favorite place, I have finished Surfer Girl for Shelly and Malydia (our neighbors)  picture below:

Shellie was a bit surprised at the size 20 x 30,  I am glad they liked it.

This morning Gram and I did our yoga, had biscuits and sausage gravy, hot coffee and then off to the elliptical.  While I was gliding away I saw a tree transform three painting I had done last year.  So I hopped of, brushed in the scene and came away with the Mosley Family Tree (Jay, Kristine, Cole and Sam), see below:

as you can see Sam is the first painting,  going up you see Jay and Kristine and then Cole.  The tree travels through all the pictures and helps me enjoy my family. 

I finished Mr. Green's picture today, in his uniform.  Claudia is going to work on a matte for me on Thursday.  I also want to get Regina's horse matted also.  I will bring my drawing of Jesus to Claudia also, to see if she can make a canvas drawing for me.  She has all kinds of goodies to make my stuff wonderfully beautiful. I picked out two charcoal drawings for Angie's mom and dad, they are wonderful, and since these drawing are of their grandchildren I thought they might like them.  Then I have a special flower pencil drawing for Meg.  She likes odd things, and this is odd.  I will put these pictures in the blog tomorrow.  It is 1:56 in the morning and I can't sleep.  So I decided to catch up on the blog.

I am working on a portrait of Ina Ray also, it is being done in oil, so I am waiting to work on the eyes because the paint is too wet, and that is a problem for a messy painter like me.  It has been nice to be home with Gram and Tony.  Tony sang a beautiful solo at Church on Sunday night, it was called "Joseph."  The song portrayed how Joseph felt when Mary was chosen to have Jesus.  A perspective I had not thought of, until Tony sang it with such emotion, he truly portrayed God's love, because Joseph had that for Mary.  Unconditional reasoning, unconditional love.....such a wonderful blessing for God to have bestowed on both of them.  This is a wonderful Christmas.  I miss Meg and Jay and their lives, but we talk often and get to see Jay and Kristine more than Meg and Trevor.  But Meg calls and we talk for hours, about things, about nothing, and feel as if we live next door to each other, it is about 3000 miles away.  But hearts know no distance, they just remember love.

Tomorrow Tony and I will work in the kitchen, the upstairs room is coming along, the art room and library are also becoming a very used part of the house.  So we are about to enter the morning of our third year in Trenton, we have met some wonderful people, and you know who you are (Willow, Gwen, Gypsy, Regina, Darlene, Jessie, April, Wendy, Stewart, Luke, Mr. Green, Tim, Ricky, Brandon, Ina Ray, Max, Linda, Glen, Glenn Spivey, Cliff, PJ, Sarah, Emma, Erin, Pam,  and on and on....

I really enjoyed Trenton's Downtown Christmas, Willow and Darlene and team (beautification committee) did a wonderful job.  I can actually say I have not put up Christmas lights in any of my home towns until this one.

Also a special thanks goes to Ms. Ava for allowing me to post a barn quilt on her tenant house on Wyse Fork Road.  It looks lovely and every time I pass it I say a little prayer for Ms. Ava.  She is a wonderful person, again another wonder person who lives in Trenton.

I will post the most recent barn quilt purchase by someone else soon.  I will be finishing another barn quilt tomorrow and it will be hung by Sat.  Our goal is to have 25 of these hanging by Spring (come on warm weather) and then we can have maps provided for those of you who would like to take the tour.

All in all it has been a busy long week (about 10 days) since I have been able to get to Gwen's barn, but I know "this too shall pass" and it will be complete for all to enjoy especially me, Tim and Gwen. 

I have a list of painting to finish while the weather is keep reading and know there is plenty of paint in the garage waiting to be exhibited.

Take care and be safe during this wonderful we say in Trenton "We still say Merry Christmas in Trenton, NC."  This is a special place, thanks for that~


Monday, November 29, 2010

Blog Catch Up - Gwen Meadows Farm History Mural

Today is November 29th and it was a great day to paint. 

Woke up and the sun was coming up and the green house was warm.  All the flowers are doing great.  We are thankful today, all of us, Grandma, Tony and me. 

I had started a Christmas Window for Gwen yesterday and things were not going great.  The gold glitter was a little drab, the tree was two dimensional instead of three, so I was not a happy camper.  Today it was different.  I went to the studio, began to paint, felt energized, and it happened, a large Christmas Tree appeared in the ice and the forest was covered with snow beyond the tree.  I delivered this today to Gwen, and she like it, and immediately hung it up.  I love it when people are happy with their paintings.

Then it was off to the mural and Tim had moved the large scaffolding so it was just where I needed it to be to paint Molly and Hub.  I was supposed to paint Molly and Felix, but that didn't happen, and when Tim explained who I was painting I got worried that the whole face I had just finished was for nothing.  But Tim had Gwen come out and we talked, she loved the face that was there, so she said just put Felix next to his mom, and a little ways up from her, that will be fine.  Boy what a relief, so today I finished two faces, some work on the pecan tree leaves, and talked to Gwen about some other changes. 

The collard patch is in, the corn patch is in, the road is traveling back to the back of the property, and Gwen and Tim were excited about these things.  Miss Edna and Gwen will be next to be finished, and that darling swing that Gwen suggested I put in.  Goldie is on the wall now, and tonight I took a picture of one of their cats to put near her.  Goldie has a wonderful relationship with these cats, she defleas them.  So they are always bugging Goldie to do this wonderful thing, even though Goldie is not always up to it.  So Gwen worked with the kitty that was so willing to have her portrait taken.  She will be on the wall this week.

So all in all, the weeping willow needs to be changed to a dogwood, the clouds need to be put in under Hub and Molly, and the date they were married and died.  Gwen said she can look up their wedding certificate because she has it.  It is amazing how many pictures she has of this family and how intricately woven her family is with Miss Edna and her mom and dad.  This mural is the first to have a second side put in.  I have painted the background, but the two horses and her dad will be honored also, since her dad lived with Molly and Hub and Felix when he was 16.  This history is truly honoring those who have gone before Tim and Gwen.

The mural will have Molly Green and Gwen Meadows Farm stenciled on it in red.  There will be a tobacco barn, and a tobacco field on the door that enters their barn because this was and is a working farm today.  Even Katie and another horse will be honored on the side of the barn and Gwen's kitchen window will be the viewing point for those who are in the kitchen on the farm.

When the Picnic Basket mural began in Kinston, I didn't think about all I had to do to finish, I just picked up the brush and each day took it as it came, and it usually came loud and clear each day.  I would take the paint buckets out, and brushes and when I would put them away in the evening, I would look around and wonder will I ever finish.  Well yes it was finished and this mural will be also be finished.  This one is very personal to me, because as I paint, I get to hear the stories that explain why I am painting what I am painting.  Tim and Gwen are so knowledgeable regarding Molly Green's family since she has been a part of this family since she was born.  So I congratulate Gwen on her wonderful history and the love she has for all of her extended family members.  It is nice to see the smile on her face when she looks at the swing hang from the tree, because she remembers and memories mean so much to her.

So here are the latest pictures.  I will make more posts as we are getting to do more this week and have plans to finish before Christmas.  Keep reading, looking and if you are in the area, stop by and see this amazing historical piece.

This is not a great picture, but it was a gift from Tim to Tony, Grandma and me.  There are two fighting roosters located on our stairway now.  They were made by Tim and of mahogany, they are beautiful and we get to see them when we travel through the foyer and go upstairs.  Thanks Tim, they are
beautiful and show how much talent you have as a material artist.  Thanks so much to both you and Gwen.


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veterans Day on the Meadows Barn

This morning woke up early, went upstairs to studio and finished Sunrise Pony.  I started it last Saturday at Zac's and finished it this morning.  This is what I image a pony looks like when he wakes up with the sunrise and feels freedom. 

I wonder what they think?  I wonder if they know who takes care of them, or what their day will entail.  When Linda and Bob were here we took a tour on a small boat in the harbor next to the wild ponies.  The captain said they have a routine and can be found in certain places during the same time each day.  So they have routines, but who knows what they find to do all day.  This sounds silly, but what I am getting at is God is in control of our lives just like He is the horses.  I like that.

Grandma and Tony picked up two pictures from Claudias (Air Frames and Pictures in Trenton), and they look lovely.  They also ordered our Christmas Cards with Gypsy's Angel on it, and Luke 2:11 was the scripture verse inside.  This is something I am excited about sending to our families. This angel is personal, thanks for opportunity Gypsy.

Then I went over to Gwen's and started painting Hub in on the garage area of their barn.  He came in slowly, it took about 2 hours to get his position correct.  Gwen helped, and Goldie stood by and ushered Hub in, Goldie and Gwen both remembered Hub.  Gwen said he could be found walking the Wyse Fork area where her farm is with a shovel in hand digging drainage all over the place.  She said his family lived on both sides of the road and some lived where we are living now.  Gwen and Tim, like Willow and Ricky have become part of our family, like some others we feel close to in our area also.  You know who you are...hehehe.

Gwen is going to continue with the history of her farm, and when the mural is done, we will do a write up in this blog.  She shared some of Ms. Edna's scrapbook today and we found something very interesting......I will let her tell someone before I put it in the blog, but we both came to the same feeling that this building is something special in Trenton.

The sky behind the rooster is in, the grasses are beginning to grow yellow and green willowing leaves and I plan to work on Gwen tomorrow in her pink dress.  Of course we are still at the blocking in stage and sometimes that looks quite ugly, but this time, things are placing easily, and paint is working well due to the higher all in all I am pleased. 

Most days I get into the truck and just have no idea what I am going to work on, and as the horses I find the familiar position in front of her barn, I pick up the brush, pull out some paints and something happens and I remember God takes care of me everyday too!  He is the artist, I am the tool, thanks for using me God I love to paint.


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

3rd abd 4th day on Meadows Mural

Ms. Edna

Hub Outline and Car

The flower box Gwen had Tim construct. It looks good in Red.

Ms Gwen and Ms.Edna

Under the window, is where Goldie will be and kittens.

A proud rooster stands on the fence where Ms. Gwen had a pot placed to put in flowers.  Some chickens and a goose will decorate under the fence, soon.
Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday's events....

Yesterday was a good day and today was a great day.  I spent some time with Gwen on Friday getting some pictures of Ms. Edna, Hub, and Little Gwen.  She also shared with me some of the previous owner's pictures which will all appear on the mural when finished.  There were so many pictures that reminded Gwen of her childhood and so many pictures of all of them together sharing and smiling.  It was heartwarming.

I spent Saturday afternoon and Sunday afternoon painting at Zac's on Wyse Fork Road.  Ms. Willow was with me on Saturday and as usual she was supportive and kept me painting whether I was distracted or just not happy with my work, she made me smile and was full of good words about everything.  It kept me going and I had fun even though we were freezing.  On Sunday, Grandma came with me and I thought we were prepared for the cold, but guess what we weren't.  I was told I looked like an elf in my get up, and when I looked at myself after returning home, I thought goodness gracious I do look like an elf.  I had forgotten my shoes and we were going straight to Zac's after church and having lunch with Jane and Wilbur, so I stopped by "The Family Dollar" and Marla was there.  I stated my problem and she walked me over to the clearance aisle and there was one pair of white shoes (flip flop style) and she also made a design change to the shoes she cut out the throng on the shoe and voila I had a pair of shoes to wear without wasting any more time getting to my post, the only problem they were white and you shouldn't wear white after September 1, did it anyway.....and it did not change my painting style.  Thanks Marla.

So today, got up  made chili, fed Sadie, strokes all our cats and got to Gwen and Tim's prior to 11:00 am.  Once there I began to work on Ms. Edna's face and clothes, then I spent some time blocking in Little Ms. Gwen.  I will work on her contour tomorrow.  When I blocked in Ms. Gwen, I also looked at Hub's picture and saw the car for the first time, so I had to add it in and mark out the outline where Hub will be sitting. 
Tim and Gwen have a rich history regarding their homage to their farm and as easily as the paint is going on, I feel like this wants to be painted. 

Tim and Tony worked on the scaffolding for me today, it is strong and tall.  I will be able to take a step ladder up on the scaffolding and reach the top of the barn to bring in the tree branches that will extend the trees along the top of the barn.  I am anxious to see how that works.  Also Mr. Green stopped by and looked at Ms. Edna, helped me with her nose and mouth, then he stepped back and said I think you have her.  At that moment I saw a golden light in the heart of Ms. Edna and I think the picture I took shows the same thing.  She is still very loved and she also loves from heaven (Ms. Gwen was obviously her favorite.)  Ms. Edna also was an artist, she drew some lovely pictures of roses and Gwen has preserved these.

Yesterday I was showing Gwen the sketch of Goldie (Ms. Edna's dog.)  Everyone in the neighborhood knows Goldie, and her near miss on the highway.  We all know this dog has nine lives and she just keeps on going.  Gwen said she was about 12 or 13 years old, has arthritis but she just loves to be loved.  They have cats there that line up and ask Goldie to deflea them, so Goldies take her teeth and picks at them, they love it, so you will see Ms. Goldie up on the wall with a couple of cats around her.  She may not be here much longer, so we thought we would immortalize her by painting her on the wall also.

Today it was sunny, warm, a gently wind was blowing and I had to thank God for the freedom to paint at will, and He showed up as usual, He is always there, to help, to instruct and to teach.  I cannot stand alone, and I can do nothing without Him.  I have a long way to go on this barn, but each day will take me and others who share by helping and reading this blog to a wonderful beautiful place when it is finished.

Thanks to all who believe.......K

Friday, November 5, 2010

Red Willows Gift Shoppe Christmas 2010

Today is dedicated to Red Willows in Trenton.  I am enclosing some pictures so you can see she is ready for Christmas.

I have to retell the story of when we met Willow in her back room before the gift shoppe opened.  Glen Spivey told us she might be interested in exhibiting Grandmas afghans.  Well we crossed Jones Street and entered the glass door that would change my belief in moving and welcome me to become a NC successful transplant.

I tentatively pushed the door open, and I saw quiet eyes look our way, and I introduced Grandma and myself to her and said Glen had suggested we meet.  She rose from her chair quietly and walked over shook our hands and said how may I help you?

I had two of Grandmas afghans with me and left them with her and she said she would be interested in coming over and seeing the many afghans Grandma had upstairs in the attic.  I said anytime, we had just moved in so expect construction, the floors weren't in yet, etc.  She smiled and said no problem, just let me know how to get there and I would be happy to offer them in my shop.

About a week later she came by, took about 30 afghans she liked and she said was appropriate for the time of year to be offered.  It was the beginning of a friendship like I had never had before.  She can be kind, warm, business like and crazy all at the same time.  She accepts you as you are and welcomes everyone.  A true tribute to friendship, she doesn't invade, just listens and offers her vast past of experience in many areas.  She is a North Carolinian, full of grace and the love of God. Thank you Willow for coming into our lives.....may we both live long and tell these stories over and over to all those who transplant themselves to Trenton's wonderful town.

This is Willow and her shoppe. 

So today and the rest of the time prior to December 25 is Christmas here in Trenton.  She can be reached at 252-448-1138.  She has local artisans creations in her shop.  She has creations by LUKE, our beloved "Rag Bag Man", a cafe run by owner  Gypsy Smith and Jesse Brown "Gypsy's and gift certificates are available", which offers delicious food and desserts from 8:00 am to 3pm each day.  She has local artists, Neil Smith (photographer), Carol Ann Davidson, Brenda Kennedy, Peggy Duvall, Dean Remington, Claudia Henley, Pam Brylowe, Jackie Crute, Jeremy Yater, Nancy Newman, Nadine Miller, Susan Saltzman, Nancy Burt, Celeste Cavanaugh, Jones County Senior Citizens, Stacey Fritter, Squirts T-Shirts, Juliet Morgan, George Johnson, Greg Padgett, Walter Henderson, Barry Jones, Taffy Jones, Tina Simpson, Irene Johnson, Marian Hart, Laura Voss, Marvin Jenkins, Heather Baldwin, Tanya Haney, Carol Humphrey, Vivian Moore, Harriet Rause, Wilbur Gurganus and many more.

So pass this along to all you know.  She is helping people in our area and we are supporting them by buying local.

She has aprons that say "We still say Merry Christmas in Trenton, NC", they are red with white writing and they remind us that Christmas is truly a time to help others and exhibit Christ's love.

K. Rowland

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

2nd Day Meadow's Mural

Today was beautiful!  The sky was so blue when I finished working in the greenhouse, it took my breath away.  I mowed the rye grass in the little yards, finished moving the rest of the flowers I want to save for next year and planted 4 Leodora cedar trees, which will be put out next Spring.  I made chili for dinner and had breakfast with Gran and Tony.  A great morning. 

Tony was busy getting the chipper to get the wood chips chipped to warm the plants during the winter, and the morning glory flowers just won't stop blooming.  We still have floating wildflowers so I just stood back and watched them blow in the wind today.

Gran and I met Claudia at Gypsy's today.  I wanted Claudia to photograph the angel to use as our Christmas Card this year.  She was there and we talked about Randon Acts of Kindness.....her church is knitting and crocheting shawls for babies and adults.  They are prayed over and sent out to help everyone remember we are all in this together.

I got the 15 foot ladder from Gypsy's (thanks Stewart again), and dropped Gran off at the drive way, then parked at Gwen and Tim's barn.  I mixed together some exterior blues and began to paint the barn on the 15 foot ladder.  I could reach almost everything, except for the extreme areas, and I thought I would just use the extension ladders to reach it.

Well, all things were going well I was on the last fourth of the barn in the upper region when Tim and Emma and Erica came out.  We talked and all was good.  Tim walked off with the girls, and I moved the ladder.  It was stable I thought.  All of a sudden I was on the upper 2 levels of the ladder and it became unstable.  I called Tim, Tim, but Emma was talking also and he couldn't hear me.  I began to call again, louder and with more panic, I just knew the ladder was going to fall out toward the field if I moved an inch.  Just about that time, Gwen came around the corner, she had an appointment and was just returning.  She yelled for Tim and told him to run, the ladder was falling.  Tim threw off his shoes and sped around the barn to catch the ladder, it just felt like it was over.  He held it while I got the courage to come down, he was ready to come up and get me, I was frozen.  Once I got to the ground, he suggested I walk it off before calling Tony for help to finish the upper areas.  Tim was right, and thanks to Gwen he got there on time.....what a feeling.

I got control of myself after hugging Gwen and thanking Tim.  I called Tony he came over to hold the ladder and Tim got the extensions ladder, but I couldn't go up it.  Tim climbed up painted the upper regions and did very well.   He scuttled up that ladder like he was a teenager.  I was excited and relieved.  I may have to hold myself to 16 foot barns, those upper areas are only for tall people.

After all this Tim was painting and Tony was holding his ladder, I drove to the house to get the camera so you can see what an audience Tim had and how high he was.  Gwen had the kids and they were watching also.  Then Sarah and PJ came along, took the kids and watched the final sealing of the barn.

What a day.  Gwen handled it, Tim save it and I got the sealant on.......thank you Jesus .  Tony asked me if I was going to paint in the upper region, and I said no, that will be blue sky only.  He laughed.  I was thankful.

Tony and Gram went home, Tim went to take care of the horses, Gwen was picking up pecans, and then came to the collard patch for me to take pictures, and showed me her broccoli plants, cabbage and wonderful collards.  3 weeks ago they didn't look so good, now everything is beautiful.  I remember when I first met her she would say to me "if God be willing" and I thought what has that got to do with I understand nothing get done without God be willing......wisdom of pearls that I will not ever forget.

So I am attaching some pictures for you to get to know the place, the people and the thankfulness of safety. 

My friends, Willow, Gwen, Claudia, Gram, Tony, Gypsy, Jesse, Jane, Wilbur, Mr. Green, and all the others that keep up the paintings and murals I do with God's help, I want to say THANKS.  k

Tim in the air!

Tony holding him to the ground.

This is a tall barn, I understand Cliff and his father helped built this after it had burnt down once.
History is important, and Cliff is always helpful.

The audience: Gwen and the girls.  This is the most fun, to interact with all who come out and see how the murals progress and the last moments of the day we share the success.

These collards are looking great.....hummmmm just in time for Thanksgiving.

Will go to gardening class tomorrow, and if the weather holds, will begin to draw in Goldie, a golden lab, which belonged to Ms. Edna when she was alive.  Now this dog belong to Gwen and Tim, and the neighbors, she visits often in the community on Wyse Fork Road.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Recent Paintings

Thanks Wilbur and Jane for letting me paint your granddaughters.  I had a little trouble getting this right, but at 5am on Friday I got up, pulled out a mat, drew her face, and let the violin sit outside the mat.  It worked, and I felt her smile.

I also did her in oil, which made her look older than what she is, but I shared that with you because this is how she will look when she is older. 

I have just started a new oil of Penny, she has passed, but the picture I am painting from is at the beach, with a lovely hat on.  I will post when finished.

This blog is all about my paintings, God, and family, thanks for reading and sharing this with others.

I miss you Meg and Trevor.  I can't wait to have Thanksgiving with Jay, Kristine, Sam and Cole.  There are 9 dear dear family members in my life, and I put them in my blog from time to time, but today I especially feel blessed.  Today I got a call from Jay and I was reminded how important they all are to me because we never know what tomorrow holds.  Pray for your families and love them each day, tomorrow is not for sure.



1st Day Meadow's Mural

It is very interesting to take pictures of barns on the first day, because you see things in pictures that you do not see when you are painting a barn.  There are some very old cedar trees that make shadow and light on the barn.  This picture was taken about 4:30 pm, and then it was 5:30 and I was sitting on the steps talking to Gwen, about God and how important it is to have Him with me when I paint. 

The first day is sometimes the hardest, because I am now dedicated to the mural that you and I can't see yet.  I met with Tim and Gwen, and discussed what we thought would be appropriate to honor the previous  owners and provide a peek into what their farm is and what it was for those who owned it in the past.  I felt the honor today as I stood and felt the strength in that barn.  The tin is smooth and the nails were plentiful.  The design is typical of the barns I see around here, and this one is in excellent condition.  You can tell it is a barn that is useful and loved.  Sounds silly, but what we love we take care of it. 

Tomorrow I will put in the blue at the top of the barn, with the use of an extension ladder and Tony.  I am going up pretty high and Tony knows I am scared of heights, but together we will conquer the sky, which will eventually hold the pictures of the past owners.  They have all passed, and this is Tim and Gwen's way of honoring them.

When I walk onto the land there I feel a peace, I know I am welcomed, by the owners, their pets and the birds in the trees.  It is a family who lives here, their son and daughter in law live across from their barn, and the horses and fences close it in right next to Cliff's place.  All of these residents help each other and share in the blessings that has been bestowed on them.  Quite a wonderful place to paint. 

Tim build a flower box just below the newly installed window, that looks great.  When I get to do some of the fun parts be sure to watch and see what happens.  I noticed this addition on Sunday and it brought a smile to my face.  I love the special touches, the stories that go along with the barn, and the little door the cats use to sleep and play in the barn.

So keep watching when you pass the "Collards" sign and know it will take about 6 weeks (if weather holds) to finalize their "Honor" Mural of the farm on Wyse Fork Road.

Thanks Gwen and Tim for a wonderful day.


Saturday, October 30, 2010

Meadow's Mural Starting Monday - Nov. 1-2010

Wow, another mural is beginning.  Shelly, Malydia, Wendy, Grandma, Tony and I worked on marking and sorting the paint last Thursday just in time to set up the next mural palette.

I met with Tim and Gwen on Friday afternoon and the mural will be a dedication to the loved ones that owned the farm prior to Tim and Gwen.  They are going to honor the owner who passed away by having a picture of her and Gwen (as a child) holding hands looking at flowers.  There will be collards, watermelons, tomatoes, pecan trees, etc. on that wonderful barn to depict the blessings that have been bestowed on Tim and Gwen.

This will be a privilege.  It is a wonderful honor to be thankful, and by Faith this story of Gwen's is wonderful.  She wrote a essay about "Memories", it touched me and when I get up on those ladders I am sure God will be there to do what He does and that is guide the brush to honor Him and all those who believe in Him.

The puppies are still here, but five have been promised to someone.  We have two left and they are so cute.  So if anyone reading this needs a hound dog (part) and some other dog mix please come by Red Willows and let us know.  They are wonderful pets.  Shari, from Harbor Hound Rescue is helping us find homes for these pups, and supporting us with puppy shots too. 

Today we had Wilbur and Jane here to make a list of what is needed for Tony's workroom upstairs.  We have bought the cabinets, started the plan for the electricity to support the wood working tools, and it is planned to be finished by January.  At that time, Tony will be working on some creative frames for me and bookcases for the library.  Who knew he would enjoy working with wood, making bookcases and planting trees.  He loves NC and he is expanding his talents, I am the lucky one.

Tonight we watched a movie called "Letters to God", I would recommend everyone watch this movie.  It was heart moving and helped us to understand when things go wrong in peoples lives, it is for a short time, but hope and faith, and love are everlasting.......let's have these for others, especially our family members.

I will post some pictures tomorrow:  I got to paint two young musicians, they inspired me, they are so full of passion.

Take care, more to come Monday of the barn without a mural, then each day I paint I will update with pictures.  This barn is right across from the front driveway so I plan to leave the truck there, with paint, and walk over each day to paint "Honor" on those wonderful tin wall.

Thanks Tim and Gwen for this opportunity.  k

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Paint, Paint, Paint

On Sunday we received a call from Regina and Matt, they asked Tony to come over and get 14 gallons of paint, and some little cans also, then the mega 5 gallons of paint also.  Thanks you so much By The Sea Farm owned by Matt and Regina. 

Also, I talked with Claudia, Air Frames and Art located in Trenton about making prints of the barn quilts we are producing for Jones County and she is going to give me a price for people who would like to have prints of the barn quilts that are small enough to put inside homes or on porches.  More to come regarding this.

Thanks so much for your prayers regarding paint, it is truly coming in so that means more paintings can occur on barns and building.


Friday, October 22, 2010

Barn Art

Today started much like any other, household duties, coffee in the sunshine and the thought of painting.  Tony went to the recycle place, grandma and I visited the greenhouse, and then Tony worked on the foundation of our house, making it stronger.  While he did that I finished a barn art evolved throughout the day :

I got the idea for the background from the sky this week.  The sun was going down and the colors were magnificent.  The red was filled with orange and little pits of blue, it looked like water yet it was on fire.

Tomorrow am going to the mountains to take some peak leave pictures with a friend.  Can't wait to see what we get in from the lenses of our cameras.  Who knows it may inspire even more barn art, porch art, art that is visualized outside of your home in an unexpected place, that says beauty is everywhere.  k

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Time Passes

Over the past few weeks it seems as if time is flying.  Since coming home from vacation, we have had visitors and played catch up, but today I had the chance to mow the grass, see the blue sky, thank God for friends from Texas.  We spent some time with our good friends, Linda and Bob.  I met Linda in 1979 at a business we both worked at.  We have never lost touch, and I have to say this woman is one of my heroes.  I remember Mike, her husband, and I remember her loss.....but I have to say today, she has not changed, she is still the person who has commitment to her friends.  Thanks Linda and Bob for visiting, it is truly amazing after all these years, we still act like no time has passed.

I am uploading some pictures of a Christmas Card I drew from a snapshot, and one of the G's grandchildren with their musical instrument. 

This is a picture of their mountain home.  It was a pleasure doing this one for them.

The G's are teaching their grandchildren to love and play musical instruments.  This inspires me.  These are good friends of Gypsy and now mine. 

I will be finishing a barn quilt tomorrow named "Carolina Flowers", I will post as soon as it is done.  This is an original design.

Next week I will be starting another keep reading and watching.


Friday, October 15, 2010

Free Paint

Great Day!

Got up this morning and went down to Gypsy to meet Betty Heath and discuss her travels for the summer and her new waterfront property.  We had breakfast that was yummy!  Then off to New Bern to meet Wendy and go to the free paint sight.

The day was beautiful not a cloud in the sky, and Mitchell's Hardware was just in sight where Wendy was meeting us.  Tony, Grandma and I picked up Wendy and over the bridges we went to Bridgeton to the paint recycling center.  We arrived, found the rows of paint and started to remove more than 70 cans of paint.  We packed it in the car, went to garage sales at two places, met some wonderful people.  One guy made bird houses out of drift wood and shells he and his wife picked up while beach walking, a wonderful couple, and great bird houses.  I got his name and number for Red Willows in Trenton. 

We left there went to McDonalds and got some refreshment, then dropped Wendy off, said goodbye and had a great time laughing with each other.  And I got the number of the guy at the paint shop for Wendy also, he was interested in her.....hehehe me.

On the way home we picked up some bacon and syrup we are having guests for breakfast, Regina and Matt.  They are working hard on their farm.   Can't wait to catch up with their summer too!

When we got home, I opened a deck staining can of paint and the next thing I knew the back deck with finished and the little deck under the gazabo was coated also.  Grandma brought the shovel I planted some mums and then we poured over the quilt patterns she had found in a needlepoint book, that was fun.

Then dinner, and a movie "I'm Reed Fish", quite entertaining and now writing to my blog readers.  All in all a wonderful day, a wonderful life.

I kept telling Wendy today felt like Christmas 70 cans of paint free.......where are the walls I have a need to paint.

Talk to you soon, k

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Wedding, Jason and Kalia

Once upon a time, a darling blond came up to me at church and asked if I would help her surprise her fiance!  Whoa La......a chance to surprise someone, help with a dream and create a memory for life, and a wedding on top of all of that, I jumped at the chance.

This blond beauty said her fiance asked her to marry him on a bridge in Cades Cove in the mountains.  How romantic!  So this story began to deepen with love and a wedding, how could I miss.

I love weddings.  Well the request came in May, the wedding was to be in October.  I don't do well with secrets, because I usually get really excited about romantic things, and this was going to be part of the wedding ceremony.  How was this going to work, well keep reading and the story does unfold!

Kalia Louise Goerler and Michael Jason Jarman were about to experience the most wonderful months of their life so far.  A wedding is a very exciting event for the family, friends and in this case the town of Trenton.

So when I attended church on Sundays I would always say a little to Kalia and she would give me information like pictures of the bridge where he proposed and what colors were going to be used in the wedding.  How this was going to be a surprise for Jason and she wanted to make sure the bridge was drawn so it looked like they would be standing on it during the ceremony.  Details.

Sure, no problem, I thought!  Perspective is a growing thing to painters.  Each and every new drawing I began to draw requires me to study the object, work on the light, and bones of the apparatus.  Plus get Tony to work with me regarding perspective.  This time it happened to be a bridge.  I am not really familiar with too many bridges, so I asked Kalia to sit down with me while we plotted the picture out.  We checked the Internet and found the bridge, it looked simple enough to me, but it was flipped in the picture.  I needed it to become a mirror image because that would be easier for me to paint and hit it with light.  So I sent the picture to Claudia Henley who owns Air Frames and Art in Trenton.  I emailed the picture and she sent it back with magic.  The bridge was flipped and it was so easy to place in the picture, but then came the water, the rocks, the trees, the colors and all of this had to be placed in the picture because we mostly had only water from the pictures on the trip. 

I did a block in and invited Ms. Kalia back to look at the layout, and she was pleased.  She was so easy with the appointments and I wondered if she had leaked the project to Jason yet. No, she had not and she was going to keep this project secret until the wedding.

I would see both of them at church, and speak briefly, because I didn't want Jason to figure out I was in cahoots with his future wife, we had a plan do not tell anyone.

So I started this project seven days before we left on vacation, it was 60 percent done before we left, but while I was on vacation (helping my daughter move into her new house) I kept thinking about this bridge.  I thought the bridge should not be the most important part of the picture, the tree should be.  There is a large red leaved tree in the picture and it stands tall, firm and is lighted with the natural light of life.

This spoke to me.  Kalia and Jason lives will forever be changed on October 9, 2010.  They stand in front of friends, family, and well wishers and commit themselves to each other and God.  Their verse was "There are three things that last, faith, hope and love, and the greatest of these sf love.  I Corinthians 13:13.  So the tree of Life is God.  God is the tree that shades, reveals, protects and creates life in our lives.  So these two lovely people were about to walk across the bridge from two to one.  They would become husband and wife, a holy union under the eyes and blessings of God. 

May turned to June, June to July, July to August, August to September, September to October and the final 5 days before the wedding, the picture, grew in stature and grace.  As I always say it is not me that paints it is the brush with the Spirit of Awe Winds.  I believe God breathes and I feel his grace, and my hand moves, thereby creating the picture for Kalia and Jason.

Well, the week came, Thursday night she was in the church preparing for the wedding, we got the call to bring the picture (4 foot by 8 foot) and a screwdriver with wood blocks and braces.  She had a desk we were going to attach the braces thereby making a very large easel to hold the picture.  We arrived in the explorer, the rear hatch open wide, the painting hanging out, with me holding the painting from the second set of seats.  Grandma and Tony were in the front as we arrived, and we didn't see Jason.  We passed right by his house on the way to the church, but Tony had turned the painting backward when putting it into the car just in case he was outside looking at the road.  We cleared his house, got to the church, unpacked the painting, walked it into the church and she was happy.  And you know that made us happy.

She had placed the painting and the desk just beautifully so the light above resonated upon it and made it look wonderful.  She and Jason would be standing in front of this picture as they remembered their months toward becoming one.

After we left she called Jason and he saw the painting for the first time.  He liked it also.  Yea, success!

We attended the wedding, which was beautiful too many wonderful little details to much to explain, but I can tell you this Kalia can put on a wedding, it was wonderful and very personal.  The first wedding I have seen using a piece of art to capture the audience, the groom and herself.  They looked as if they were standing on a bridge, waiting to sit underneath the tree of light, as they grew old together.

After the wedding, we visited the reception line and Jason said "we will talk when I get back about keeping secrets".....he wasn't serious, because there was a huge twinkle in his eye.  He was married to a woman he loved and they will live happily ever after....


2010 Summer "Barn Quilts"

Well it has been a summer, lots of work, lots of fun, and lots of opportunity coming to this special town as more and more people get involved in making Trenton their home. Ben Casey came to our fair city twice to see Mr. A.L. "Dude" Andrews. Ben was here for Mr. Andrews birthday and special pictures were taken with his entire family and Ben. It was a pleasure to see the honor Ben gave Dude. Thanks you Mr. Casey, and Happy Birthday Dude!

Recently Willow and I visited West Jefferson City in North Carolina. We spoke to the arts council there, met several artists, made a CD of the murals and the barn quilts and took the barn quilt tour in Ashe County. When we got back we started gearing up to create our own Barn Quilt Tour of Jones County, NC. As you can see from the past picture of our first barn quilt we have begun.

Bethlehem Star Barn Quilt (commissioned by a local farm)

I am going to post several more painted quilts at the end of today's blog. I got a call today from my friend Lisa in California. We were recently there and had the pleasure of visiting their haven in Yucapai. Grandma and Tony talked with Steve, and Lisa, Kaylee and I had our feet in the pool. When I sat at this hacienda, I remembered when they were just starting to dream of this house, the land and it's mountains in the background. When I sat there I couldn't help but believe in blessings and belief. When Lisa and Steve had this home built, Lisa stepped out on faith and left her teaching position the day she signed the loan. She has since built a business, helped numerous schools pro bono and has attained her doctorate. Kudos to you Lisa, you are a hero to many, and one of the best friends I have ever had, thanks for coming into my life.

I believe barn quilts will make their way to Yucapai also, Lisa and I hope to get these barn quilts into schools to teach math, design and art.

There are some upcoming murals on schedule now. I believe there will be a new one on Wyse Fork Road soon, then I will begin working on the mill mural in downtown Trenton. This should be finished prior to really cold weather. So keep looking for more paintings to appear in the area.

Yesterday I learned from Wendy Walker about a Paint Exchange Program in Craven County. I called today and because of the flooding, which occurred this month, they are extending their hours this week and have paint I can pick up free to work on the murals in the upcoming months. Thanks Wendy, this is a double kudos thank you......there will be more painting because of this find.

I shared this news with Betty Heath today, they are looking for a house paint, and she will benefit from this news also. Helping others by just a few words over's better than the Internet.

Keep watch for barn quilts appearing in Jones County, let me know what you think of them. All comments come to me be prior to posting, but don't worry I am checking the blog daily now and your postings will be released to the blog.

Today was a good day the "Bethlehem Star" was completed for a farm in the area. I can't wait to see that quilt on a barn, it is beautiful. Tony drew the star for me, it took him 5 hours to draw it, because there is about 600 diamonds on this piece. Then I spent 7 hours today painting each block the color it needed to be. It does look like a star, but the colors are amazing.

Take care and each day help someone know they are cared for. k draft 2:48:00 PM by K. Rowland Delete

More finished Barn Quilts:

Fish Barn Quilt

This is a copy of the quilt (the only difference is the background was white so the floating diamonds stood out more. I will try to get a picture from Red Willows. 

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Picture of 1st Barn Quilt

As you can see it is still drying. 

The title is: Pinwheel: Red and Black Jones County, NC

Monday, September 13, 2010

Barn Quilts - Day 1 September 13, 2010

Today I started another project with Willow Faye.  We are starting to draw and paint the barn quilts.  The first one was finished tonight.  As you read before there is one in Trenton at a person house on a small barn, and another on Willow Faye's building near her house.

I am going to post the picture tomorrow, after I put the top coat on the painting.  The next one is going to be more detailed, and I will post them as they are finished. 

The other project I am working on is the picture for a special young lady for her wedding.  I will not post it until after the wedding and the surprise she has for someone is complete.

I am also working on a couple of windows filled with fall leaves.  So keep reading.  The next mural will be started in October.  Not sure which one I am doing first, but I hope it is the one that is nearest my home.  Can't wait to get started.

Hope you will be at the Heritage Day Celebration.  We are dedicating the mural of A. L. "Dude" Andrews and it begins at 10:00 am on Saturday.  The yard sales begin at 8:00 am so come one down and enjoy the people, the sales, and then go to the Civic Center for all the booths there.  We are still selling 50/50 tickets, and you can buy these at Red Willows.

Keep watching for new posts and I see you in October on the ladders that are beginning to be some of my best friends.  k

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

11th Day Angel Finished

Well it was a busy day and it didn't look like me and Grandma would get to the wall to finish the Angel today, but it did happen.

We woke up pretty early and started getting ready to take the cat, Simon, back to the Vet so he could give us an ok to put him with the rest of the cats.  Tony took him, and they said to keep him separated until the medicine was completely given.  So Simon rode home on Tony's lap and looked out the window admiring the day.  When he got home, he was stronger and began to notice his brother was not with him.  So he continued to visit the windows and look for his brother all around the house.

Grandma and I went to Trenton to delivery a finished sign for a client, drop some Trenton Beautification items off at Willows, talk to Jessie about Wednesday night, and stop by Gwen's for some knee medicine.  And I forgot get Brad to work at Subway all before 11 am.  We arrived at Air Frames, Claudia Henley's framing shop.  She had the postcards ready and the pricing sheet for the meeting on Thursday.  So again something got crossed off the list. 

When I stopped by Willow's she reminded me about Mr. Thomas' picture, and I had only practiced drawing him with pencil (HB.)  So today when I got home from errands at 12 pm I pulled out a canvas, put his outline on it, then started to fill in the details, this was a small painting 8 x 10.  After I was satisfied with the perspective, I went up stairs and two hours later it was finished.

When I looked at the picture his family had provided I had to improvise because I kept seeing a tank.  There was no tank in the picture, and the picture was so old it had darken with age.  Well, when I talked with Mr. Thomas I said I would like to put a tank in the picture, he pulled up his sleeve and showed me a tattoo that had he had put on in the service that had the Tank Division information on it.  So even though the tank was not there, it was there.  One side of the picture is more colorful than the other, because I felt he wanted to forget the tanks and just be home. 

Then it was time to finish the Angel.  Grandma and I took Mr. Thomas' picture to Willows to dry on my wall in Red Willows in Trenton.  We then took off to the Angel at Gypsy's.  She was waiting and I pulled out the tall 14 foot ladder and pulled out the paint brush for the last time.  The clear coat went on easily and she just began to shine.  I put two coats on her eyes and they looks even more human.  A sensitivity was shining in those eyes.  It took about an hour to finish the clear coat.

We packed up the old paint truck and put away Gypsy's paints, the copper, the clear coat and the Linseed Oil, all loaned to me during this process.  They were just what I needed to finish the details and clean the brushes. I borrowed your scaffolding and other ladders also.   Thank you Gypsy.

I had Grandma pose for a picture with the Angel because I want you to know I have a helper.  She holds the ladder when the ground is not even, she hands paint, brushes, pieces of paper, pictures up to me to ease stress on my knees going up and down the ladder on long days.  So thank you Grandma.

This is Grandma....

Thank you Willow for your belief in me and constantly answering my phone calls for phone numbers, ideas for walls, friendship and garage sales....hehehehe. 

Stuart thanks for the use of the ladder, and for stopping by to see what was up at Gypsy's.

So here she is finished. 

These pictures were taken in early evening, but the morning picture will be posted tomorrow.

I will miss going to Gypsy's to paint the "Angel", which I believe should be her name.  Maybe we will call her Angela, I'll see what Gypsy has in mind for her name!

My next project is a wedding project, and I will post the picture once they are married, it will be a wedding gift.  So keep reading and watching I will post other finished pieces until I start a wall again.

Today I approached a person in Trenton who has a pristine wall.  I explained I would love to put Ethnic Angels on it, with flowing wings that looks like the wind.  Hopefully this will happen on their wall, but maybe it will be on a large barn.  But I know it will be.

Thanks for being a part of this.
Peace and Love
to all... k