Monday, September 13, 2010

Barn Quilts - Day 1 September 13, 2010

Today I started another project with Willow Faye.  We are starting to draw and paint the barn quilts.  The first one was finished tonight.  As you read before there is one in Trenton at a person house on a small barn, and another on Willow Faye's building near her house.

I am going to post the picture tomorrow, after I put the top coat on the painting.  The next one is going to be more detailed, and I will post them as they are finished. 

The other project I am working on is the picture for a special young lady for her wedding.  I will not post it until after the wedding and the surprise she has for someone is complete.

I am also working on a couple of windows filled with fall leaves.  So keep reading.  The next mural will be started in October.  Not sure which one I am doing first, but I hope it is the one that is nearest my home.  Can't wait to get started.

Hope you will be at the Heritage Day Celebration.  We are dedicating the mural of A. L. "Dude" Andrews and it begins at 10:00 am on Saturday.  The yard sales begin at 8:00 am so come one down and enjoy the people, the sales, and then go to the Civic Center for all the booths there.  We are still selling 50/50 tickets, and you can buy these at Red Willows.

Keep watching for new posts and I see you in October on the ladders that are beginning to be some of my best friends.  k

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