Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Words to my town "Trenton" and "Willow Faye Stroud"

First I hope anyone who read a comment posted on the 5th day reads this!  The comment was not my words about Trenton or Willow.  I agree with Carol Ann's post that Trenton has a long history of friendliness and community involvement with lots of energy for all who live here or who once lived here.  That is why we chose to live  here.  Also, Willow Faye is the second person I met in Trenton.  I met Glenn Spivey first and he suggested I talk to Willow about Grandma's afghans and my art, because she was opening a gift shop!

Well that is how it started, Willow took it from there and has been a true supporter in all my paintings endeavor.  So without Willow I might still be painting in a closet.  She believed in me, Tony believed in me and Grandma supports my ever artistic thought.  People in Trenton have bought my "Roosters" rendered kind words over and over again about my paintings

As you can see over the past two weeks, only positive things have been said to me while working on the wall and walking around town about the mural and the art.  People have embraced Tony, Grandma and me in Trenton.  We have been here two years, and there has been a welcome sign on each person face for our family.  I hope you will accept my apology for the words said about our town "Trenton and Willow Faye."  She is a light to my life and a dear friend, Trenton and Willow believed in my talent and that gave me the energy which created a desire and helped me to believe that my paintings would be accepted, thank you Trenton and Willow for that and much more!

 I did not paint murals in California, I paint murals in Jones County and for the people of Jones County, because they are examples of people I want to be like, include in my daily life and share my gift from God with.  Again, please accept my apology for words said and please keep reading, talking to me and praying for this project.

 In His love.  K

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