Tuesday, June 15, 2010

3rd Day

Tomorrow will be the third day on the mural.  The plan is to use an extension ladder to get to the top of the wall and put in the trunks of the trees that frame Mr. Andrews.  Thank goodness the tree trunks that will stand out are pines.  Then hopefully I will get to the greenery behind the trees, which will help position the painting and create dimension.  The colors are green and all the colors between green and yellow with a little white.  So the bank he is sitting on will move forward, and the tree background will move back, while the trunks create the horizon, which will make it dimensionally work from the street.  So those of you who pass by late in the afternoon will see more of the structure and hopefully be very excited about what is to come next.

I have had so many comments already and I thank you for noticing there is something going on in Trenton that will help it continue to be a beautiful place to live.  We have the courthouse right across from this mural and that is such a beautiful building with a courtyard in front which is part of Trenton's history.  I understand the Trent River was clear at one time in the past and there was a boat that would travel from New Bern to Trenton.  I do believe the Historical Society is writing the history in book form.  If I am mistaken please write me a note and let me know how we (newbies) can get more of the history.  I have met some people in Red Willows in the last two years, and Grace Worthington is one of them, she is a local Trentonian.  She sat one day while I was painting a mural in Red Willows and talked to me about the Mill Pond.  I was truly amazed at the story when she talked about the electricity at one time was produced by the mill there.  People would have electricity until a certain time each day and then the mill would shut down and their electricity would also.  She talked about the hurricanes and the damage that was experienced in Trenton, and I felt like the towns people were all a part of the rebuilding after the damage.  This is an amazing little town with some amazing people.  I am glad we moved here and find out more little things about the town and people  every day.

I especially like our hardware store.  I walk in there with questions and Mr. Spivey and his brother Cliff are always so helpful.  Just like the BB&T bank employees, always a smile, how are you, hope you have a wonderful day.....it is heartwarming and I want to thank the people of Trenton for this. 

Well, back to the plan for the wall!  This week Kelsey and I will work Wednesday and Thursday, and 1/2 day on Friday.  If it rains we will wait it out at Red Willows and Gypsy's Place.  I am bringing some glass windows to work on if the rain holds the mural up.  People in the area have given me 100 year old windows to paint on and I am putting Roosters, Herons, Barns, etc. on these old windows and enjoying every minute.  So stop by sometime,  look for the locals in Gypsy's cafe and learn about our little town.  We will be glad to see you, and will ask you to come back again.

See you tomorrow on the wall, pray for safety as we tackle the ladders and reach for the top of the wall.  Thank you for being part of this mural also, let me hear from you.   k

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