Thursday, June 24, 2010

7th Day on the Wall

We got an early start today!  It was wonderfully cool at 7:30 am and Kelsey and Brad were ready to work.  Brad climbed the 14 foot ladder and painted the forest background for me and I am so appreciative!  Thank you Brad.  Kelsey worked on her dragonflies and they are adorable, she even put her initials on one and Brad's on another.  This made me happy, they are personalizing the wall, who knows how long this mural will stay on this wall, but I hope it is forever. 

Wesley stopped by to say hello, and ask if it was hot enough to paint and I said oh yes.  I also let him know I had felt some wonderful breezes this morning and I found myself lost in the grass under the cattails!  This was a peaceful morning, and the song "There is A Sweet Sweet Spirit In This Place" kept erupting from my heart.  Trenton has a sweet Spirit in it and it is alive and Gypsy, Willow and Carol Ann said today "business as usual."  This made me smile.

Another man stopped by today "Walter" and asked if I would paint a sign for his church, he was a joy to talk with, and he commented on the wall before he left. 

A lady drove by in a red truck and gave Brad, Kelsey and me the thumbs up sign, and honked....smiled and went on....we appreciated that!

The grass on the creek bank was introduced by Kelsey and I added some dark grounding color to it,  today the cattails and the grass became one.  I found a humming bird hiding in the grass, which I am going to ask Kelsey to paint on Monday, and then I found another bird hiding, which I used black to help me remember where it was.  This is the beginning of the wall working with the artists.  As we go along and paint the picture, there will be little things that want to be exhibited on the wall that have been waiting for this wall to be painted, so they can be seen.  I believe Angels like to draw I am letting you know I did not place the humming bird there or the other black was my guardian Angel wanted to draw on the wall also.....kind of wonderful!

This happened on the walls at the Picnic Basket, just ask Gypsy about her flowers.  Oh well, I will tell you.  Gypsy helped with the murals in the Picnic Basket in Kinston.  She was a beginning artist and had taken a class from me a few months before this project was started.  She came in after her daily activities one day and said "K, I want to paint some flowers here on the wall."  Well, I thought we are not there yet, how about you do something else and when we get there you can do that.  She said "K, I really want to put some red flowers here with some white", so I reluctantly said ok, and watched her carefully.  She finished and was loving her flowers, I was not so loving her flowers.....but they stayed and when she left that day I asked the owners to come and look at the flowers and let me know if this was satisfactory to them.  Well needless to say THEY LOVED THEM!  Just goes to show you it is all in the eye of the beholder.  The grandmother that cooked for the granddaughters loves Gypsy, loved her work, couldn't get over how much she loved those who was I to rain on that wonderful parade....I also learned that not all painting had to be done by me to be beautiful....I learned to see with God's eyes and fell in love with the flowers too!  As you go in the Picnic Basket to eat, look at the wall on the left, find the gate and look at the left side of the gate.... you will see Gypsy's wonderful flowers.  This is a story between me and Gypsy and we still laugh about it. 

So today when I started to paint within the grass that Kelsey had started I was careful not to overtake what she had done and brought to the mural........sometimes lessons have to be learned over and over again, and my hope is to learn these lessons there has to be no long valley trips.......I like the mountain top, the view and the breeze is wonderful there!

The wall is continuing and you, Trenton, are wonderful....keep looking, keeping smiling and know you are all part of this.  See you Monday, K

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