Tuesday, June 22, 2010

6th Day on Wall

Let me begin by saying thank you to the residents of Trenton and The Trenton Beautification Committee for the opportunity to paint this mural.  I was humbled today by all the compliments and well wishers that stopped by.  First, Otis stopped by to say how beautiful this was and how wonderful that it was in Trenton.  He is a successful business person in New Bern and Trenton and he took a bit of his personal time to let me know how blessed he was in his life, and how he and Catherine lives a life with God.  He and Catherine are taking care of his grandchild and he kept saying how important it was to give back to our community.  He own a heating and air condition business and work inside of Cherry Point.  He talked about his grown children and how wonderful they are, and gave God the glory.  He talked about going to college and graduating and how hard work had helped him in his life.  I was uplifted by his stature and grace as he spoke of his life and how he was proud to be a Trentonian.  I agreed with him I am also happy with my town, and the people I have been exposed to as I paint on the wall.  Shortly after Otis left, I noticed a man in a green t-shirt just smiling looking at the wall.  He slowly came over and said his name was Garfield, just like the cat.  He said he worked for the water department in Jones County and wanted to walk over and say thank you for painting on this particular wall.  He said he drives this way often and when it first started to appear, he just had to smile, because he not only knows the man on the wall, but the colors and light just make him smile.  He said it is like having ownership of a painting.  He made a little tear come to my eye, because this has long been a dream of mine.  I have wanted that light that gets painted on paintings and walls to say "believe I am still alive and well and I will watch over you", of course these are God's words but my dream that someone out there would see with His eyes and smile because of the peace the painting displays.  Another person came by named Johnny and he just stopped to say hello to Kelsey and K, because he had read the paper and wanted us to know he knew who we were and that he would be checking on us from time to time.  Numerous people drove by and honked, putting a thumb up to say "alright, we like the art", and I also got a visitor from the courthouse that remarked how wonderful this was for the county.  Later in the morning, Brad stopped by to see Kelsey and he graciously got us a drink, and talked.  It was peaceful seeing these two young people talking about their futures and what makes them happy.  Brad helped get paintbrushes and paper towels and he said on Thursday he would be back to help get the high parts, which will definitely be a blessing.  Then the heat began and Kelsey and Brad packed up and let me know it was too hot for me too!  I stayed and I am glad I did because even more people came by to talk.  Claudia's sister came by after visiting the lawyers who are in the building on which I am painting.  She introduced me to Bonnie who had some wonderful things to say and she let me know she is also an artist.  We began to talk about where our talent comes from and we both agreed we are just the vessel, the light and talent comes from God for us to use.  That was a delightful encounter with the two of them.  Carl, the postmaster in Trenton, stopped by and he gave me a sweet hug.  That was so nice of him.  I feel like over the past two years we have become friends.  He was full of wisdom and favor as usual, but today he had on a most marvelous hat.  A woven straw hat that just made me happy when he smiled.  Thanks Carl for stopping by.  See you soon,  K.  Then the Trenton Market person came over and discussed the painting with me.  He is not from Trenton, but he runs the Trenton Gas Market and Store near the wall.  The first day I met him he, Abdul, was very helpful.  I had gone to the Beautification Committee and asked for help cleaning around the building wall.  There was about 2 feet of debris there.  Willow Faye organized a crew for cleanup that afternoon.  After the cleanup occurred, Abdul, came out and said don't worry about the bags of debris being picked up by the city, just put them in our dumpster over there.  He was very happy, the cleanup occurred.  Willow had about eight people there so it was easier with so many hands.  My first encounter with him was gracious and enlightening.  Today, he came out and talked to me about the painting and how it looked better than the picture I was painting from.  We talked a little about his cousin, the owner of the market, and a young man in his family that was also an artist.  Abdul said he would share some of his art with me in the future, and I am looking forward to that.  Then, he asked if I was thirsty and said he could bring me a water!  Again, I was brought to tears, sometimes when I think of profit, and how every water, every cup of coffee, every drink, every paper towel I use cost money, I worry about the shop owners and how everything seems to cost money.  But when he said I will get you a cup of water, I thought of the Bible, and how many times people met at wells, some met Jesus there, some met their future husbands there, some were forgiven their sins there and I graciously accepted the water, thanked him, but what he didn't know was how he affected me.  A bottle of water was like a bottle of gold, because it was a spiritual experience I shall never forget.  For God cares for me, just blessed my heart.  Thank you Abdul, may blessing be abounding on your family and their families for you were a vessel of care to me today.  Thank you! 

So when I say thank you to the residents of Trenton, and the Beautification Committee I really mean it, the wall may change the peoples view, but it is changing my heart.  Again thank you!

The Beautification Committee has paid for my supplies to paint this wall.  I am painting probono, but several people have asked if they could donate to the Beautification Committee which will help with future murals and some solar lights to light these murals.  If you are one of these who would like to donate, please contact Willow Faye Stoud at Red Willows in Trenton on Jones street.  Her phone number is 252-448-1138. 

I would also like to mention another group in Trenton.  They are called Neighbor Helping Neighbor.  Greg and Eve Davis started his volunteer group about 1.5 years ago. During the winter we all helped each other do certain things that we either had no experience with or little experience.  For example, everyone helped us mud and wall board our upstairs art room and exercise room.  We didn't ever know how to begin, but several families helped.  Today, the day started out with a huge issue at our house, the septic alarm was on.  We didn't know what to do but to call one of the companies in the yellow pages.  My husband, Tony was supposed to come and help with the ladder work today, but this took precedence.  I left with a little of a heavy heart, but before I left Tony said don't worry about this it will be taken care of, just have a little faith.  So I left with a heavy heart.  I got to the wall and Kelsey was smiling and all these people came by and my Spirit just soared.  I stayed on the wall from 8:30 to 3:00 pm and when I got home, Tony walked out of the garage and said "It's fixed", I said great.  He explained that Eve had dropped by with some plums and peppers, and Tony asked if Greg knew anything about septic tanks, and she said she would ask.  Greg called, came over, helped pull the pump, Tony went to New Bern to get a pump, came back, Eve called, Greg came, Tony and Greg put in the pump, and things are working.  This again humbled me, we have always paid for every service, always given when asked and now it is so hard to receive when people just want to give back.  I thank these people for helping us today while I was having bliss painting on the wall.  I left with a heavy heart, I came home with light in my heart and found God had been here.  He made sure our problem was taken care of at a minimal cost.  Thank you God, Greg, Eve, Tony, Grandma for the watering and care of our food preparation today. 

So, all in all, it has been a thankful day for what I have received, what I have given and the faith that continues to grow inside me as I learn to see, hear and believe in the people who make up my town "Trenton".  God bless you all!


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  2. K
    I love you with all my heart

    And I believe all of Trenton now loves you with their heart for giving them a mural painted with one of their own.

    Willow Faye
