Woke up and the sun was coming up and the green house was warm. All the flowers are doing great. We are thankful today, all of us, Grandma, Tony and me.
I had started a Christmas Window for Gwen yesterday and things were not going great. The gold glitter was a little drab, the tree was two dimensional instead of three, so I was not a happy camper. Today it was different. I went to the studio, began to paint, felt energized, and it happened, a large Christmas Tree appeared in the ice and the forest was covered with snow beyond the tree. I delivered this today to Gwen, and she like it, and immediately hung it up. I love it when people are happy with their paintings.
Then it was off to the mural and Tim had moved the large scaffolding so it was just where I needed it to be to paint Molly and Hub. I was supposed to paint Molly and Felix, but that didn't happen, and when Tim explained who I was painting I got worried that the whole face I had just finished was for nothing. But Tim had Gwen come out and we talked, she loved the face that was there, so she said just put Felix next to his mom, and a little ways up from her, that will be fine. Boy what a relief, so today I finished two faces, some work on the pecan tree leaves, and talked to Gwen about some other changes.
The collard patch is in, the corn patch is in, the road is traveling back to the back of the property, and Gwen and Tim were excited about these things. Miss Edna and Gwen will be next to be finished, and that darling swing that Gwen suggested I put in. Goldie is on the wall now, and tonight I took a picture of one of their cats to put near her. Goldie has a wonderful relationship with these cats, she defleas them. So they are always bugging Goldie to do this wonderful thing, even though Goldie is not always up to it. So Gwen worked with the kitty that was so willing to have her portrait taken. She will be on the wall this week.
So all in all, the weeping willow needs to be changed to a dogwood, the clouds need to be put in under Hub and Molly, and the date they were married and died. Gwen said she can look up their wedding certificate because she has it. It is amazing how many pictures she has of this family and how intricately woven her family is with Miss Edna and her mom and dad. This mural is the first to have a second side put in. I have painted the background, but the two horses and her dad will be honored also, since her dad lived with Molly and Hub and Felix when he was 16. This history is truly honoring those who have gone before Tim and Gwen.
The mural will have Molly Green and Gwen Meadows Farm stenciled on it in red. There will be a tobacco barn, and a tobacco field on the door that enters their barn because this was and is a working farm today. Even Katie and another horse will be honored on the side of the barn and Gwen's kitchen window will be the viewing point for those who are in the kitchen on the farm.
When the Picnic Basket mural began in Kinston, I didn't think about all I had to do to finish, I just picked up the brush and each day took it as it came, and it usually came loud and clear each day. I would take the paint buckets out, and brushes and when I would put them away in the evening, I would look around and wonder will I ever finish. Well yes it was finished and this mural will be also be finished. This one is very personal to me, because as I paint, I get to hear the stories that explain why I am painting what I am painting. Tim and Gwen are so knowledgeable regarding Molly Green's family since she has been a part of this family since she was born. So I congratulate Gwen on her wonderful history and the love she has for all of her extended family members. It is nice to see the smile on her face when she looks at the swing hang from the tree, because she remembers and memories mean so much to her.
So here are the latest pictures. I will make more posts as we are getting to do more this week and have plans to finish before Christmas. Keep reading, looking and if you are in the area, stop by and see this amazing historical piece.
This is not a great picture, but it was a gift from Tim to Tony, Grandma and me. There are two fighting roosters located on our stairway now. They were made by Tim and of mahogany, they are beautiful and we get to see them when we travel through the foyer and go upstairs. Thanks Tim, they are
beautiful and show how much talent you have as a material artist. Thanks so much to both you and Gwen.