Monday, September 6, 2010

Angel 10th Day

Arrived at the wall a little late today, plenty of things to do at home.  The weather is perfect for yard work, and that makes me very happy.  I arrived at Gypsy's and found her mowing her grass.  She stopped welcomed me, gave me some juice and we sat and talked for awhile.  Delightful, insightful and inspiring, that just about sums it all up

She gave me some varnish to use to seal the angel, and I put some last minute touches on the Holy Spirit Dove, the angel's wings, and then the melting blending of the blues and purples were complete.

I started to seal the Angel and the colors melted together under the varnish.  I worked about 3 and 1/2 hours was too tired to get on the tall ladder to do the upper portion of the mural, but will be back at it about 9:30 in the morning.

I will sign it tomorrow and Claudia will take a picture for Christmas Card orders.  Check the last day's verbiage and you will find her name (Angel Day 9), click on it and it will give you an option to send her a personal message regarding the cards.  Our family plans to use this Angel for our Christmas Cards this year.

September 18, 2010 is Heritage Day in Trenton.  There will be lots of activities. Ben Casey will be at the mural of "Dude Andrews" across from the courthouse at 9:30 am for a dedication ceremony.  Everyone is invited, this is going to be a fun day.  Then there is the Civic Center activities, garage sales at 8:00 am downtown, and Gypsy's place in the evening.  Plan to make a day of it, and pass the news along to everyone you know.

I am looking up scripture on Angels and I read we are a little lower than the Angels, mainly meaning I believe our inherited nature from Adam has caused some difficulty.  But we all know Grace abides in our lives and that Grace is live well in Grace because Jesus died for us all.  What a wonderful thing to remember as I finish the Angel tomorrow.  She came before Jesus came and I know she comes often to Gypsy's.  She is a protector, carrying a warning to let everyone know she stand on Holy protect and to serve Gypsy and her extended family.  Join up, you will enjoy the passion this Angel has for all of usl.


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