Monday, July 12, 2010

Day 15 On The Wall

GOOOOOODAY!  Worked in the garden for an hour or two, tying up tomatoes and loving the fog.  Saw two deer out the back door, just lounging under the trees, one was obviously the mom and the other a young deer.  They enjoyed the mineral block and water we have placed for them.  It was a nice morning. 

Off to the wall, stopped by Gwen's to talk cucumber seeds, and ask about apples.  She was out early to plant collards.  She loves working the can see it on her as she communes with her land.  She saw the ladders and said you are off to the wall.  I let her know this might be the last week, things are coming along nicely.

On the way into the town of Trenton, I saw some Quail, lots of butterflies, and some happy plants.  We were blessed enough to get almost 2 inches of rain on Saturday evening.  Grandma and I went to the see our grandchild, Cole, and on the way home we just couldn't stop looking at the clouds and the way the light just danced on them, through them and echoed happiness.  I love clouds!

So at the wall now, it is about 9:30 am, the shade is wonderful, and I started painting in the last trees that used to be where the sign was going to be.  The Beautification Committee is still working on where the sign that says "Trent River, Trenton, NC" will be.  The path behind Dude Andrews came in nicely, the trees were bending and floating in the wind.  All in all the day was good for painting.  Several people honked, waved, said I missed a spot....thanks Paul! that made me laugh.  It is nice to smile and appreciate the attitude of the wall coming from all directions.  Paul's smile is infectious......Susan is the other half of Paul and she is a delight also. 

I could tell it was a Monday, people were milling about, doing business, talking with each other and there was a lot of traffic......I was just trying to imagine how this town got started, maybe I will check out a book at the library if there is one regarding the history of Trenton. 

Kelsey may be on the wall tomorrow, I have missed her.  We are going to put in a red winged black bird, bluebird, rabbit for Mr. McCoy, some butterflies, some hummingbirds and small details, but the wall is almost finished.

Tony made a comment about the wall I liked "he said this is a wall that God was with you on", Tony sees the light on the wall, and this really makes me happy.  I don't want to do any walls that God is not with me on, because without Him the wall doesn't speak.  Thanks be to God for guiding me. 

This will be the last week, for a concentrated painting effort, but as you all know an artist is never really finished with a painting, like God is never really finished with any of us, so this week, keep me in your thoughts and prayers, a little high ladder work, but not too much.  This has been an extremely safe wall, no injuries and lots of opportunities to learn that I am not alone it should be.

Thanks to all who pray for me daily, and thanks to all who stop to say hello and for all the nice words about the painting.  The whole town of Trenton painted this wall, the comments, the water received from the Trenton Mart, the suggestions for animals to be included in the painting, and the Beautification Committee for sticking with the project, and especially Gypsy, Willow, and Carol Ann, who never fail to show up with something that makes me full, happy or smile....A special thanks to Willow for not forgetting the project and helping this project become a reality.

Love k

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