Tuesday, July 6, 2010

12th Day On The Wall

Today was a day.  I went to the wall, and it helped me escape.  The trees on the left grew up strong and full of little bushes and potential little animals.  I was on the wall by myself, except for the people who came by and talked to me.  Some were repeats from days past, some were daily viewers, but there was one special lady.  A lady in a yellow nurses uniform.....she was listening to me on the phone talking to my sister and we were praying.  After I got off she said "don't worry, God is in control" just cast all your cares upon Him.  I did.  I am not the perfect Christian, but I am covered in the blood of Jesus because I have Him as my savior. 

I don't have much to write today, except, the wall is coming along.  I am telling people it will be finished next week.  We meet with the Beautification Committee this week to decide where the sign "Trent River, Trenton, NC" will be put, I believe the current location may need to be changed.  The details will help the viewers up close feel like it is a more finished painting.  After we meet, you will probably see the sign go up next week, after I have located the stencils.

This mural is one of several planned.  The next one will be on Wyse Fork Road, Lillian, a red haired angel with a sword, this will be completed at Gypsy's house. 

I talked to some people in Cove City today and he said he would look around for a wall that might be available for painting.  So this summer may be a good time to get some great practice on the walls.  I can paint until about November.  When the cold sets in, it is hard to stay outside and the paint acts funny.

Again, if anyone would like to donate to Trenton's Beautification Committee, see Willow Fay at Red Willows in Trenton on Jones Street.  It feels good when I drive through town  and see the colorful wall, with a scene from the Trent River on it.  If you haven't seen it, stop by, get some gas, buy a coke, go to Gypsy's cafe, shop at the Drug Store, eat at Aggies, and Subway, because our town is growing. 

I told someone today this was a good day, just because we could get up, go outside, have coffee, and look at the birds.....thank you for this day,  and all the people who support me.  k

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