Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Saturday morning Tony and I went to the wall in the old truck with ladders hanging out for the last time!  The moment was good and sad at the same time.  I won't be at the wall anymore except to put in the flower bed underneath the picture.  We are going to put in some grasses that grow along the Trent River, which we believe will be very appropriate and help the area stay clean and attractive for people who pass by, stop to see the art and linger as they visit the Trent Market there.  It took 17 partial days to get the image on the wall.  Kelsey Wyatt, Brad Lyttle, Greg Holland, all Jones County art students, helped with the picture, I want to thank you all for your contributions. 

This is my 3rd mural.  The first one was a fantasy, the second was a picture collage of the Brown Farm, along with the family that owns the Picnic Basket Restaurant in Kinston and now this one in our town of Trenton.  When I first saw Mr. Ben Casey's photograph I said to Tony, my husband, have you ever seen dancing light.....in a photograph!  Well, I saw it and immediately wanted to paint that picture.    Did I think we could paint a picture this large from a photograph, no, but guess what we did it, we all had our parts.  Everyone knew I was afraid of heights and those ladders were shaky, high and often used.  The wall was painted green first, then came the colors of  different browns to make it look like a forest in the back.  I paint with my hands, brushes, paper towels and who know what else will be used in the future.  When I was painting with my hands Tony would ask how do you know what you are doing and I responded I don't until I get down, walk about 100 feet away and look back to see if the colors are doing what they are supposed to do.  The colors, paint strokes and light all work together to create depth.  This wall looked so big, but it was like the last three walls, you just take it one stroke at the time and keep coming back, looking, stepping up on the ladders and moving from one area to the next until it feels good when you look at it from the street.  I am happy with the results.  I worked on this with my whole heart and soul.  I personally know the family of "Dude Andrews" and they are special people to me.  They are good people and when they look at the wall, they see their father, their father in law, they see someone they know and respect.  But what also happen was most of Trenton knew this man.  They could only say good things about him.  They talked about his life and the fact he is in his eighties and still driving his truck, still attending church and going on with his life.  Thank you Trenton for helping me know him just a little more.

People asked me if I used a grid on the wall and I said no.  I just found the focus of the picture "Dude" and moved out from that.  After he was in place, the rest came easy.  The hardest parts were coming for 17 days, taking out the ladders, paints, brushes, being mobile with anything possibly needed to paint the picture to the best of my ability.  I hope those who helped with the wall learned something, are proud of what they contributed and know that I appreciate the strokes, whether it be 10 or 100, I appreciated all efforts.

I want to thank Gypsy's Cafe for the cool drinks, prayers for safety on the ladders, and the belief all of you bestowed on me each time I walked in to say the wall is coming along.  I want to thank the people of Trenton, for all the input, questions, kinds words - they kept me going!  I want to thank Tony and Grandma for putting  up with me, coming when I called and the old truck wouldn't start, packing snacks for me and believing that I should continue to paint.  I want to thank the Beautification Committee for asking me to paint for them, it has been a pleasure.  I want to especially thank Willow for her continued support of my career.  I want to thank her for being a friend and sharing her shop walls with me to exhibit my painting.  Willow, you were right, people will find me in Trenton, I just have to keep painting!

So it is so long for now, but look to the left as you go out Wyse Fork Road leaving Trenton, I will be painting an Angel on a Barn that will be lit at night......I hope you will stop by and say hi........mural are my thing......In his name.....K

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

16th Morning On The Wall

This was a very short morning on the wall!  I added a few cattail grasses, put in some light grass tips to make the grass lighter since the sun dappled that area, put in a butterfly, bunny, red winged black bird, blue bird, a small deer in the far away forest, and a hummingbird. 

I stood back and realized it was almost finished.  There is a tree that goes to the top of the wall, that needs another branch to create a fork.  This will be done on Thursday or Friday morning.  Then the wall will be finished. 

Today I couldn't help remembering the first day and looking at the wall thinking it was too tall, it was too big, I don't know how to do this, how in the world did I think I could get the picture I was holding in my hand to duplicate itself on that huge wall?  I really do believe we are on a path, and this picture was directly in the path for me and Trenton.  I remember when I first showed Willow this picture, she loved it, and then she shared it with the Beautification Committee and the rest is history. 

Today I dropped by Gypsy's and there was a man there who knew "Dude."  He said he was his fishing buddy.  Well this picture of Dude definitely says he is a fisherman, on a river in Trenton.  This is my third mural, I hope there are a few more in my future. 

I will post the final blog on Thursday and Friday.  I wanted to thank Sam today for the carrot juice.  His store has given me so much water that I wanted to do something for them, he asked me to draw his mother.  I shall do that and give it to him on Friday.  When I was in Red Willows Gwen had brought in some cucumber seeds for me to try, thank you Gwen.  Diane stopped by and gave me some zucchini and I immediately gave it to Luke, he had asked if I had planted any and I said no earlier that morning.  Willow called him to let him know his zucchini had been delivered!  Then I picked up a book in Willow's shop about painting stones, and she just gave it to me.  All in all God spoke to me today through all these people.  You can't out give God and there is definitely a plan, we just have to keep walking, looking and participating in ours and others lives.

Thank you Trenton for this opportunity, and as I remember the last 16 days on Friday, I hope I never forget your kindness, love, words and hopes for me ,the artist who  is nothing without God.

In His Love,

Monday, July 12, 2010

Day 15 On The Wall

GOOOOOODAY!  Worked in the garden for an hour or two, tying up tomatoes and loving the fog.  Saw two deer out the back door, just lounging under the trees, one was obviously the mom and the other a young deer.  They enjoyed the mineral block and water we have placed for them.  It was a nice morning. 

Off to the wall, stopped by Gwen's to talk cucumber seeds, and ask about apples.  She was out early to plant collards.  She loves working the garden....you can see it on her as she communes with her land.  She saw the ladders and said you are off to the wall.  I let her know this might be the last week, things are coming along nicely.

On the way into the town of Trenton, I saw some Quail, lots of butterflies, and some happy plants.  We were blessed enough to get almost 2 inches of rain on Saturday evening.  Grandma and I went to the see our grandchild, Cole, and on the way home we just couldn't stop looking at the clouds and the way the light just danced on them, through them and echoed happiness.  I love clouds!

So at the wall now, it is about 9:30 am, the shade is wonderful, and I started painting in the last trees that used to be where the sign was going to be.  The Beautification Committee is still working on where the sign that says "Trent River, Trenton, NC" will be.  The path behind Dude Andrews came in nicely, the trees were bending and floating in the wind.  All in all the day was good for painting.  Several people honked, waved, said I missed a spot....thanks Paul! that made me laugh.  It is nice to smile and appreciate the attitude of the wall coming from all directions.  Paul's smile is infectious......Susan is the other half of Paul and she is a delight also. 

I could tell it was a Monday, people were milling about, doing business, talking with each other and there was a lot of traffic......I was just trying to imagine how this town got started, maybe I will check out a book at the library if there is one regarding the history of Trenton. 

Kelsey may be on the wall tomorrow, I have missed her.  We are going to put in a red winged black bird, bluebird, rabbit for Mr. McCoy, some butterflies, some hummingbirds and small details, but the wall is almost finished.

Tony made a comment about the wall I liked "he said this is a wall that God was with you on", Tony sees the light on the wall, and this really makes me happy.  I don't want to do any walls that God is not with me on, because without Him the wall doesn't speak.  Thanks be to God for guiding me. 

This will be the last week, for a concentrated painting effort, but as you all know an artist is never really finished with a painting, like God is never really finished with any of us, so this week, keep me in your thoughts and prayers, a little high ladder work, but not too much.  This has been an extremely safe wall, no injuries and lots of opportunities to learn that I am not alone painting........as it should be.

Thanks to all who pray for me daily, and thanks to all who stop to say hello and for all the nice words about the painting.  The whole town of Trenton painted this wall, the comments, the water received from the Trenton Mart, the suggestions for animals to be included in the painting, and the Beautification Committee for sticking with the project, and especially Gypsy, Willow, and Carol Ann, who never fail to show up with something that makes me full, happy or smile....A special thanks to Willow for not forgetting the project and helping this project become a reality.

Love k

Saturday, July 10, 2010

This is the latest picture of the mural.  It looks like there will be one more week , 4 half days and this will be finished.  k

Thursday, July 8, 2010

14th Day On The Wall

Today was so full of stuff...painting, people, planning, and pleasure!  The painting started a little late due to some stuff needing to be done before leaving home, like having two cups of coffee with Grandma and Scooter (our dog.)  Then jump in the truck, and have Tony follow me because we are working on the single extension ladder today.  The top of the wall will be complete.....or as complete as possible until the brushes quite pushing me along.  As soon as we pulled up and started to unpack the truck, a guy named Jim stopped by.  He started to talk about the water then jumped to some history about himself and the fact he and his wife moved here from Oregon.  We talked abit and exchanged some history between us, which was fun.  He was a delightful person and one I would love to talk with some more....interesting person and a Trentonian also.
Then came Levi and Bruce.  Levi is a pastor and an artist, and his son Bruce is a cartoonist.  Bruce is in middle school here in Trenton and will be in eighth grade this coming year.  His attitude was outstanding and he and his entire family have some artistic talent.  Levi said he was driving by and had to turn around to come back and look at the wall.  It beckoned to him, I am glad it did or I would not have met either of these wonderful artists.  Levi said he was passing a church and they were taking out the stained glass windows, he stopped, asked what they were going to do with them, they said throw them away.  So they threw them his way and he has planned to put together a picture with the glass pieces.  Can't wait to see it!
Then Juanita dropped by, she works at Old Plant Diner, and I remembered her because she served me a great piece of sausage one Saturday morning before going garage sailing with my girls, Susan, Willow, Grandma and me.  We love to look for great deals......and on the way home we stopped by the Old Plant Diner and I met Juanita.  But today she was getting gas at the Trenton Mart and we had time to discuss the wall and the sausage.  A great place to eat also "Old Plant Diner."  Then there were the waves, honks and words "really pretty", but what I loved seeing was not the compliments or words, but the smiles and nods, the appreciation of art is marvelous, it means something different to everyone.  Thanks for the nods and words....from you drivers out there.  It makes me want to finish in record time, or as I said earlier as the brushes dictate. 

Tony was watching me today paint with my hands, and I am sure he was wondering how in the world can you make a painting work when you are so close to it, and as murals go, you have to walk 1/4 mile away to see if what you have been painting works.  Well, it doesn't work that way for me.  I feel the wall, and it likes to respond to paint.  The Beautification Committee met tonight and we were standing by the wall discussing where the words, Trent River, Trenton, NC would be.  We had left a blank space on the wall for the sign, but after the vote tonight we have decided to put a sign on the wall, with permission from all parties still to be obtained. The sign would be in black and white and match the sign that hangs in front of the office of the building I am painting on.  So within a week we should have the answer to where the sign will be.  Can't wait for that!

After putting in the modulation this morning at the top of the mural, the path that goes through the painting began to appear.  I will begin to darken the path on Monday, and put in the animals.  We have had requests to include a rabbit, a deer, a raccoon, a red winged black bird, humming birds and butterflies.  All things found in our region, on the river and in our backyards.  Oh what a town to live in, one that has so much wildlife and some wonderful scenery also. 

When we met at the wall this evening, there were shadows on the wall that I had not seen before.  The Cottonwood Tree by the wooden fence draped its shadow on the trees that were recently painted.  The painting is doing what we hoped it would, it is using the surrounding real trees to make the mural actually 3-D. 

As you can see I am so excited about this piece.  Thank you Ben Casey for permission, thank you Dude Andrews for being on that river just in time to get your picture taken, thanks for being a member of our church, so I would get to know Diane and Nelson, your daughter and son-in-law.  Thank you Beautification Committee for choosing me to paint, and thank  you God for giving me your hands while I paint on that wall.  Without anyone of you I would not be having the time of my life.  As I said in a past blog day, I didn't paint murals in California, I might still be painting in a closet if I hadn't moved to Trenton.  Thank you all.

See you guys on Monday.  Willow took some good pictures today, so when she sends them I will post them separately, so keep looking, keep up the honks and nods, and don't hesitate to stop by and just talk, you all make my day.

Thanks Wesley for continuing to stop by and keep up with Willow, Gypsy and me.  You  have been coming by for over a year on Thursdays and we love seeing you. 


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

13th Day On The Wall

Today was great!  The forest on the left side came in colorful and strong.  Tony came along to hold the ladder, which was wonderful and secure.  He even painted some spots I could not reach.  We listened to music, talked to people and thought about the beauty of being together working on a project of mine.  I felt special, thanks Tony.

I had a paint spill in the truck, one top wasn't on tight enough, but I have just enough paint to finish the brown I need.  So thank goodness for that.  Yesterday I had a slight problem with the truck, it wouldn't start but Jones County Tire Company gave me a quick jump and off I went.  So a big thanks to them and their quick response.  THANKS!

I plan to be back at the wall tomorrow and work on the high parts again with the right ladders.  Tony will be back, and we plan to work only at the top of the mural.  So thanks for your prayers today, will need some more tomorrow.

We had 3 visitors today, Russell, Bob and a man from Southco.  Russell is a regular he stops by most days to say hey "Ms. K" and asks questions about the plan for the day.  I ask him about his work, and today he  met Tony.  They hit it off.  Bob strolled up with a Mountain Dew, he drank it slowly and talked about the news article that brought him to the wall.  He just loves the river and said he felt like he was on it.  He said his daughter, Travonda, was attending Jones Senior and loved art.  He said her art had been exhibited at the Civic Center in Trenton.  You go Travonda.  I invited her to come down and talk with me, I love to meet fellow artists, especially students.  Bob stayed for a while, looking at the water and remarking it was a good painting and large.  Thanks Bob.  The man from Southco, a company that services convenience stores all over NC and SC, saw me getting the paints out and thought I was going to paint out the mural.  I smiled and said well I have done that a few times on the wall, paint something in, paint something out....so he wasn't wrong, but today I didn't have to do any of that.  Thank goodness!

Now for the rest of the mural, all the changes will be subtle except for the sign which comes next week and the top which should come in tomorrow.  Now this is the plan, but as you know God laughs when we make plans. He may have another idea for tomorrow and what I will work on for real.  Again, I am humbled by the picture on the wall, it is not my hand, it is God's willingness to give and  my angels working with me.  I was worried about the left side of the mural, but today it came in beautifully, or so some say, thank you.

Trenton, is a special place, the people are wonderful, curious and complimentary.  So invite your friends to come and see the wall, and expect at the end of next week I should be finished.  We are meeting with the Beautification Committee tomorrow night, to discuss the sign, and let them know what progress is still to be made.  I believe we are a little ahead of schedule, but as Michelangelo exhibited he was really never finished with any painting, and sometimes I feel the same way.  I took 1 class in art, and my teacher said a good artist knows when to stop, if I keep painting I hope I will learn when to put the brushes down and let the painting be what it wants to be.  I am not there yet, but getting closer.

Take time tomorrow to do something good for yourself, this mural has been a major undertaking, and because it has filled my morning hours I can honestly say I have noticed more about people than I have in a while.  I thank you for your participation in the wall, and I love the fact, the sun doesn't show it's face until about 1:00 pm on that side of the wall.  A perfect condition for early morning painting. 

Can't wait to get back to it tomorrow, prayer at Gypsy's, saying hello to Cliff at the Hardware, and watching Carol Ann be friendly at Red Willows.  When I drove into town today, I saw Willow putting out a huge bird house painted with polka dots and wonderful colors.  Check it out......it looked so fun and these houses are made by a local artist. 

Tomorrow will be my last day on the wall this week.  I am planting some fall tomatoes, and putting down some wildflower seeds this late to see what they will do.  Planting is like painting, you never know what you will get, but you get something and most of the time it's a surprise.

Take care, see you on the wall.    


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

12th Day On The Wall

Today was a day.  I went to the wall, and it helped me escape.  The trees on the left grew up strong and full of little bushes and potential little animals.  I was on the wall by myself, except for the people who came by and talked to me.  Some were repeats from days past, some were daily viewers, but there was one special lady.  A lady in a yellow nurses uniform.....she was listening to me on the phone talking to my sister and we were praying.  After I got off she said "don't worry, God is in control" just cast all your cares upon Him.  I did.  I am not the perfect Christian, but I am covered in the blood of Jesus because I have Him as my savior. 

I don't have much to write today, except, the wall is coming along.  I am telling people it will be finished next week.  We meet with the Beautification Committee this week to decide where the sign "Trent River, Trenton, NC" will be put, I believe the current location may need to be changed.  The details will help the viewers up close feel like it is a more finished painting.  After we meet, you will probably see the sign go up next week, after I have located the stencils.

This mural is one of several planned.  The next one will be on Wyse Fork Road, Lillian, a red haired angel with a sword, this will be completed at Gypsy's house. 

I talked to some people in Cove City today and he said he would look around for a wall that might be available for painting.  So this summer may be a good time to get some great practice on the walls.  I can paint until about November.  When the cold sets in, it is hard to stay outside and the paint acts funny.

Again, if anyone would like to donate to Trenton's Beautification Committee, see Willow Fay at Red Willows in Trenton on Jones Street.  It feels good when I drive through town  and see the colorful wall, with a scene from the Trent River on it.  If you haven't seen it, stop by, get some gas, buy a coke, go to Gypsy's cafe, shop at the Drug Store, eat at Aggies, and Subway, because our town is growing. 

I told someone today this was a good day, just because we could get up, go outside, have coffee, and look at the birds.....thank you for this day,  and all the people who support me.  k

Saturday, July 3, 2010

11th Day On The Wall

Friday I was alone on the wall.  I dropped by Red Willow's and spoke with Gypsy, Carol Ann, Willow, Stewart, Jesse, Marie and Lee, the Mayor of New Bern.  It was an energetic time and felt good.  Lee and his mom were in Trenton, and the place was a  buzz.  His mom was a delight, and he mentioned that he painted also.  So it was good to meet a fellow painter.  A newcomer to Trenton, but I am sure they will be back.  They both loved Gypsy's and Red Willows Gift Shoppe.  How neat!

Well, after introductions and small talk and a wonderful prayer I left for the wall.  I got there and it was court day in Trenton.  Lots of people milling around and beach traffic to begin with.  Then a silence fell.  The day was beautiful, the breeze was back and I started to get a little scared that I had hit a blank spot in the wall.  I didn't know what to work on.  I felt stumped!

I picked up my water, sat in my chair, and just looked at the wall.  Then I decided to go and work on the  background on the left side of the mural.  When I began I felt like I was doing it all wrong and the fluidity was missing.  Then as I said "the silence hit", I didn't hear the cars, see the people, or even know what I was doing.  I just picked up the brush, had three cups of paint in front of me and just started.  I noticed the wall had veins of trees running all through it.  I had to look close but as the brush brushed across the uneven concrete blocks little indentions became bushes, trees, trunks, and the bottom of the mural reached up to meet the top.  This continued to happen from about 10 am to 2 pm. 

During those hours, people stopped by, talked, took pictures and just smiled or yelled from their cars.  I could hear again, and because I was just letting God work through the brushes I was comfortable and knew the wall had begun to finish itself with some heavenly help.....that is what I am talking about (Malydia I am coining your phrase.)  I had to get out of my head, in order to let my heart not be troubled about the finalization of  the emerging background in the mural.  Malydia and Shellie stopped by and took some pictures, they are on Face book and it looked great. Thanks for taking the pics!   The water seemed to shimmered with reflections.  It makes me want to go back on Monday and continue working hard to finish the mural.  This feels good.

As I said there were several people who stopped by to talk.  There were three ladies that stopped by.  They took some pictures, were ready for the 4th and one of them was from England.  She loved the fisherman, Dude Andrews and I loved her accent.

There was a guy in a red truck, who drove through and said "nice job, you go girl." I want everyone to look at this wall and say "they  helped."  Art is only as good as it is appreciated....you all make me feel good about this wall...THANK YOU ALL!

The packing and unpacking of the truck is no longer cumbersome, it feels like an old friend, paints in, paints out, water for brushes, paper towels, ladders up, ladders down, get down off the high ladder and walk to the corner, see if it looks good, see if it feels right, but most of all keep going, the only way to get this completed is to be at the wall, hands raised, paint flowing and belief that God is with me, helping me create for the people around who love art, love their town and want to be a part of the life of the wall.  This is a great adventure, it makes me only want to do more murals......it is a very large piece of art, but each small stroke changes it.  The small strokes make it more real......as it creeps across the wall, the image unveils itself.

I can't tell you how many people in this town have talent;  most people draw, paint, are material artists, garden, or produce all kinds of crafts for Red Willows and there are many more who just do it for themselves.  I say the East Coast is special, I am glad I am a part of this art mecca!

There are so many artists exhibiting at Red Willows.  The three ladies who stopped by to take pictures are one of exhibitors at Red Willows.  She makes children's dresses and aprons, etc.  There are several rooms full of craft items made by people in Trenton and Jones County.  Grandma has her afghans in there also.  If you have not been-- go --, you will be surprised what you find in there, who you see and how many crafters are exhibiting.

At 1:40 I began to pack up.  Danny Blackwell dropped by, he calls the wall "The Great Wall of Trenton."  What a warming statement, thanks Danny.  He and Jeannie are my coaches, they just keep me going, thanks to both of you.

I finished packing up, drove down to Gypsy's, picked up a friend, went out to the Jones County Farmer's market and had a great time talking to the producers out there.  The day was beautiful, the sky was a painter's dream and the people out there were getting some great produce from the locals.  So all in all it was a great day, one that I hope to repeat on Monday. 

The background is the most important part right now.  It is the top and bottom merge that will keep you interested, the main point is to have your audience find themselves in the painting.  It could be the palette, the actual figures in the painting, the emotional value or personal experience (such as you like fishing also, or you have fished on the "Trent River."  For the next two weeks, keep looking, keep telling others and invite everyone you know to our town of Trenton.  We have just about everything.....but the best thing for me is the peace of the outdoors. 

I'll be back on Monday, Kelsey will be back on Tuesday.  We'll see you then!  k

Thursday, July 1, 2010

10th Day On The Wall

Today was the most comfortable day on the wall.  The temperature was perfect, the breeze was just warm, and the time flew!  A large tree is partially complete behind the bucket that Dude Andrews is cradling with his hand.  This tree closed the gap between the forest and the bucket, this made a huge difference in the dynamic perspective.  Next Monday when I go back and get on the tall ladder I will finish the tree and frame in the background.  The wall will look finished, but it is not. There are so many details that will need to be finalized.  I got a request today to put in a rabbit for Mr. Rabbit McCoy.  He and Jean stopped by and remarked on how far along the painting was.  They noticed the humming birds, dragonflies and the black bird in the cattails.  These little items are not in the original picture, but if we looked closely they would be somewhere in Mr. Casey's picture because the Trent River is full of wildlife.

Speaking of wildlife, Grandma and I were tooling down Middle Road about 9am this morning and saw a doe and her small small fawn with her.  It was a beautiful sight.  We were listening to some great music and when we saw the deer we stopped on the road and just let them pass.  They looked our way and then were gone, just that quick, but the fawn looked endearing and stared at us as if he or she were saying "what is that big blue thing with silver spikes (ladders.)  With all the animals in the Gulf of Mexico that are struggling it makes me think about all the wildlife here and how wonderful and free they are.  When we lived in California we had fires and the animals were hurt badly when these fires would blow through.  Here I feel like the animals have a wonderful place to live and breed.  I love to see the flickering tails of the deer, and the little one was an unexpected blessing this morning.

Grandma and I stopped in to see Gypsy and she had Italian Sausage on the menu, Grandma said oh well we will have to come back for lunch......Italian Sausage the smell was everywhere when we walked in, I immediately got hungry.  Steward was there and he told me about some wooden bridges around.  That's one of my project due in October, so I am working on getting some pictures of these almost extinct bridges.  Grandma and I left to get on the wall.  Because of the rain I was worried that the ladders and things would be muddy and everything would be difficult.  To my surprise everything was almost dry, except for a low spot in the parking lot.  Which was helpful getting mud off my sandals when I left, trying to be green about everything. 

Today seemed like a small painting day, starting later than usual, and quitting around 2pm, but the lines and grass, light and shadow melted onto the wall creating a distinctive flow from the right side of the wall to nearly 3/4 of the way across the wall.  Now I am getting excited. I see the mural becoming the picture taken by Mr. Casey.  I see the palette of the painting working together to create a beautiful picture that will be seen by everyone in town.  I get so many compliments from people, and I believe the best ones are the drive-bys  they honk and holler "looks good", "love it" and when I look around they are gone, but the words are still ringing in my ears.  As I tell everyone it is not me painting this picture, it is God, He is just using the brushes and my hands.  To Him be the glory....thank you God.

When we started cleaning up today I put everything back in the truck and it felt so easy this time.  Just about the time you get used to having everything in the right place, everything nicely displayed so I can get to the paints, brushes and pictures, it is ending.  The wall will be finished in 2 weeks from Monday.  I am not looking forward to finishing, because I will miss the daily routine of coming to the wall, painting, listening to the people, smiling when I hear the horns  and then there will be silence.  The only thing that the wall will hear and see is the breeze, and the eyes of those who look at it.  So I am going to cherish the next two weeks.  I will try to remember everything that has happened and everything that has been said.....this experience has been one of the best in my life.  It is all because of the wonderful people of Trenton, Cove City and Pollocksville....these people have shared themselves with me and the wall.  THANK YOU!

Here are some pictures:

As you can see the wall is growing!  Keep in touch and please keep reading.  Thanks in advance.  K