Saturday, May 28, 2011

Friday, May 27, 2011

Friday was a great day to be in Onslow County.  The sea breeze was amazing.  Painting went well.  I am still having trouble mixing the free paint to get the right colors, but I will again try on Monday.  I am working on the details of the building.  It is a long haul up those ladders, down again, change paint, just to make one stroke and then get down to see if it was right.  This is a special mural for some pretty special people, but it is reminding me that I am humbled at the size of the wall.  I had a hard time this week thinking about how to get everything right.  And then I just came home on Wednesday, took off Thursday because Gram and I had a lot of errands to run, see the doctor and pick up building supplies for Tony.  The day went quickly and my mantra was "be grateful."  Be grateful about everything.  Even the wall and the process it takes to get to the turning point of believing one can complete it and see it as beautiful up there on a concrete wall, and not just in your mind.

So this is where I am.  I covet your thoughts....but I know being grateful is a huge part of this process.  I welcome the beautiful end of a special mural for some very special people.

Mervin, Wilbur, Jane, Ann, Kelly, Sandy, all the Onslow group that supports with keys, ladders, trips to see me and the compliments you so readily share.  Words cannot explain how important support is, and I feel supported by your entire group.  Be blessed, and know I am in this until it is successful.

Love you guys.  k

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