Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Finalizing Soloman's Temple in Richlands, NC

Here are some new pictures of Solomon's Temple in Richlands, NC

Today, Betty Heath and I spent some time going over the wall with extra care.  Next Monday will be the final touches and then the Mason's will seal the mural.

Today the bull bowl came in.  Last Sunday afternoon, Jane, Grandma and I studied the Internet to see what we could find out about Solomon's Temple.  We know it stood for 410 years and then was destroyed.   We know that the Ark of the Covenant was housed there and gold was used in the building.  It was a place of God.  

Nebuchadnezzar destroyed this temple.

This has been the largest mural completed in record time.  I attribute this to my helper Betty Heath, Wilbur and Jane Gurganus and Merwin, Willow, the gang at Gypsy's and my family.  Tony and Grandma are always my number one fans.  Tony helped me plot the points on the building, and then came back this past Monday and corrected some angles that were not quite right.  It took him all of about 15 minutes to help with some building issues.  I don't think I thanked him enough for that so THANK YOU TONY.  Gram was a spotter for me.  She was especially helpful with the sky.  I stood on a 20 foot ladder and she would say up, down, too much, stop or beautiful.  I loved that beautiful word.  My spirit began to soar when Betty and I were working on the bulls because I knew the mural was a success because of all the people who had helped, prayed, offered words of encouragement and loved me through the hard days, and the person that helped me knows who they are.  THANK YOU!

Today one of the town planners stopped by and said the town loves the mural.  He couldn't quit talking about the vision of the Mason's to allow this painting to be completed.  Betty and I were pleasantly pleased to hear this.  A school worker stopped by, people would honk and say good job, or how amazingly real this mural looked.  We looked at each other but we know there are things that go on while painting structures that are just plain miracles. The mural is one!

 The hardest week is the first and you realize you have just put paint on a pristine white building and now you are really committed to producing what you have said you can do.  Now the friends, prayers and just plain hard work takes place.  But if you persevere you will be successful.  It took allot of hands and time to produce this and I thank each and everyone of you.

We will sign the wall on Monday, and begin again, somewhere spreading paint for someone.

This last pictures is about 1/4 mile from the painting.  You can see old paint truck, the lodge and the place where a blank wall turned into a painting.....thank you Masons for the opportunity.

K. Rowland

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