Thursday, May 3, 2012

May 2012 Update Projects

The construction in our home is almost finished so today I went upstairs, categorized my files and thought I can work here. 

Recently I have been holding classes with 6 students who are amazing and filling me with hope and inspiration even though we are just exploring all aspects of art within ourselves.  Just Wednesday we all did a scratch board piece and some amazing freedom was found in scratching figures into a canvas that allows light to create beneath the disruption of the surface.  It was fun, fun, fun!

On another note this past week "A. L. Dude Andrews" passed.  This man walked with God, had few words but carried a presence with him that carried peace always.  I went to his funeral, then after school on Monday I went to his grave site and said "thank you" for being willing to let me paint you on a wall in Trenton.......and for sharing with me the light of God that he carried and gave freely.  His family will miss him, and they know he is now free....for he is walking with God....Shalom Dude.

Projects underway:


A garden room in a friends home, pictures will be posted on Saturday. 
New Barn quilt on Henderson Road, it is on a tobacco barn and the colors are red, white, and blue and the most amazing part of the quilt is the owner requested I put a saying under it.  She asked that I write "God Bless America" underneath.  A friend, Wilbur G, gave me a piece of an old barn to use as a writing this quilt is extra special....I believe in God and I pray for a blessing for America also
New Barn quilt on Claude Banks road, Claudia Henley's Airframes is now sporting a mule hanging his head out of a window looking for guest to welcome as they drive up for Claudia's help with framing, photography and her own art also.  She and her sister are amazing creative artists.

Working on:
Mural in the Trenton Methodist Church
Mural at The Rag Bag on Jones Street in Trenton  "

Future Projects:
Putting together a booklet for Gypsy and Willow with a map where all barn quilts and murals are located in Jones County. 
Creating some roses atop of Gypsy's cafe......she is amazing and her place is so welcoming.
Mural at the back of Gypsy's and Red Willows......amazing sunflowers.
Mural in Trenton Methodist Church "John the Baptist and Jesus"
New Blog for current students:  Prayer, Paint and Pie......Jones County Artists

Fall 2012:  Be looking for news about the Jones County Artist Exhibition in Trenton at Airframes Studio (Claudia Henley's studio) on Claude Banks Road in September....all Jones County artists are invited to exhibit.  More information will be blogged at a later date.

So things are progressing and I plan to be more dedicated to continuing this written record of what is going on as far as mural paintings are concerned and personal painting, plus student painting discussed on new blog "Prayer, Paint and Pie."

After my 60th birthday this year, my daughter reminded me that I would want to remember past projects and suggested I continue making a photo written blog for my own memories and I agreed.

Thanks to all that are following this and for the inspiration you have given me, plus the opportunities to paint in our town. 


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