The darkened trees are appearing slowly. The white lines are what I drew on free hand. I tried to use a grid, but it just didn't work for me. When it is finished there will be gray clouds behind the trees that will enhance the face of the Forest Lady.
These friends are some of my best clients. They have given me some challenges, but I have only failed to produce one picture for them, and that was a greyhound. They rescue hounds and are friends to all animals, so you know they are the best kinds of people. Thanks you guys for giving me another opportunity to grow as an artist.
I have been working on some new barn quilts and will up load those next Monday. We have about 10 barn quilts and barn art now up in the local area, so keep looking for those out of the way places that produce a bright spot of art in Jones County.
Tomorrow Tony and I will meet with some people in Richlands to talk about a new mural proposed for this summer. I have been asked to do the Mill Pond on Luke's new business by Trenton Beautification, and finish Gwen's barn, so three major projects and that takes me to about July or early August. So this year is really beginning to fly already. I have some special requests for new barn quilts from Stewart, and I can't wait to start that one. Luke continues to give me opportunities to work on some doors and I have another Angel in the works for Danny and Jeannie Blackwell. So I will continue to get practice. Thanks Trenton. and now Richlands.
There are some new art pieces at Red Willows. Dean Remington just brought in some new pieces which are delightful and colorful, great beach inspirations. I have been working on wood, and have two new pieces there also. Someone brought in some unusual flowerpots which are exceptionally wonderful. So art abounds all over.
It's open mike night at Gypsy's Friday night, hope to see alot of you there.....these are precious moments with musical artists.
Thanks Willow and Gypsy for being where you are supposed to be.....helping, working and creating in Trenton.